So, you’ve recorded your first podcast – great!
You’ve got some amazing content in the can and now its time to optimise.
One of the strengths of podcasting is the opportunity to pre-record episodes. You may have heard the old Hollywood cliché “we’ll fix it in post” – well, this is definitely applicable to podcasting because as we like to say, the beauty truly does lie in the edit.

Editing is seen as the most important stage of the entire production process.
It is the refinement of your content and determines what will eventually reach your listeners ears. It’s also where you can smooth over any mistakes made during the recording process and really polish the production.
See below for some beginner editing tips:

Edit With Your Ears
Editing programmes usually give you a visual representation of an audio sound wave and as your experience grows you will start to edit with your eyes.
It can be useful to remember the medium you’re working in; try closing your eyes to detach from the visual and truly listen to the content – does it sound like a natural conversation?

Hone Your Skill
Editing is a skill, and like with any other, you will improve and organically get better over time – practice truly does make perfect!
The job of a podcast editor is to check over the audio and actually remain invisible. The audience should not be able to realise there was an edit at all. Most listeners will be able to tell a bad edit, however they will never be able to tell a good edit.
Stay tuned for the last part in this series of blog posts, where we’ll be detailing the top tips and tricks regarding branding and marketing!
Still seem like a hassle? Have you thought about starting a podcast for your business or perhaps elevate your existing one to the next level?