Mar 27, 2022 22:44 PM

New York Networking & The Metaverse

Last week was an eventful and educational week for The Podcast Guys, New York team. Founder and Podcaster-in-Chief, Dan Cottrell, was in town, and we hit the streets for a week of networking.

We kicked things off at the Ned Nomad Members Club & Hotel in Manhattan. They host exclusive events throughout the year, and we attended their ‘Ned Talk’, called ‘The Metaverse with Grayscale’.

Picture this. You walk into a dimly lit room on the second floor of a luxury hotel, surrounded by velvet couches, vintage lampshades, a corner bar, and men and women sipping wine and talking tech.

Now, I’d like to say we know all about technology here at The Podcast Guys. After all, we work with tech every day. Podcasting equipment, editing software, remote recording studios etc. – we’re constantly looking out for the latest technology to help deliver quality audio to the ears of our listeners.

Sitting in on this discussion, however, I quickly realized just how little I knew in the grand scheme of tech.

The metaverse is a hot and exciting topic right now. It’s where the internet is inevitably headed. But what we’ve been told through mainstream media about it is just a tiny window into the new stage of evolution for the Internet.

With that leap, we’re looking at things like decentralization (compared to now, in which large tech companies own our data), true connectivity, the semantic web, 3D graphics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and a permissionless environment.

The conversation around the metaverse doesn’t stop there though, as we were lucky enough to attend the 2022 NAB Show!

For those that don’t know, the NAB Show is an annual trade show produced by the National Association of Broadcasters. Over the course of a week, industry experts and thought leaders hold seminars and discussions on the future of broadcasting, creative problem-solving, and the business of media.

The talk that stood out to us the most was “Bringing Media into the Current Century”, hosted by award-winning Film Producer Evan Shapiro.

Evan took us through an engaging and interactive discussion about the current media landscape and what shifts to expect in the next few years. He highlighted the rate of change in the media industry and how quickly these changes are occurring.

He also answered the age-old question, where is the money going?

His answer?  Live, local, current, and urgent broadcasting.

So, the good news, even with all this crazy new developing tech – it looks like podcasting is here to stay!

Posted in: Thought Leadership, Trends

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